Sustainability at HJS
Sustainability & Climate Change Action
Sustainability is an important issue for us at Hiltingbury Junior School. Through our curriculum, assemblies, Forest school and visitors into school, we aim to raise further awareness of the effects of climate change and the need to protect our environment. We work together to place sustainability at the heart of everything we do.
We have an Eco-Team of children that have an active role in helping to make the school 'greener'. The Eco-Team meet regularly and work together with our Outdoor & Forest Leader, promoting awareness with pupils and staff.
Our pupils are involved in active learning about the environment. Pupils feel most powerful and engaged when they connect their own lives to what’s going on in the world. Sustainability topics are taught across the school year groups; these lessons are based around the United Nations Sustainability goals.
Children are the future and are great agents of change. We believe actively encouraging them, both educationally and socially, to be part of a sustainability framework can give them a life-long love of nature as well as a sense of shared responsibility for the planet and their local community.