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Building Project 2023-24

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We are very excited to share the very, very exciting news that Hiltingbury Junior School has been selected to become a pilot project for addressing how the SCOLA recladding design might be developed to respond to more stretching carbon reduction targets and the challenges of future climate change. This project is part of the Policy and Resources Capital Programme for 2022/23 to manage Hampshire County Council’s SCOLA school estate, addressing the highest maintenance priorities to avoid an increase in future condition liabilities. This work is also supported by an additional funding from the CCBS 2022/23 Climate Change Investment programme. 

The main objectives of the project are to improve the thermal and comfort performance of the building fabric. This will involve the re-design and replacement of windows and doors and overcladding of walls and roof in order to make the building more energy efficient but also resilient to future climate change. At the same time, to reduce carbon emissions, to make the building as green as possible; lighting will be replaced, as well as a new ventilation system and eventually replacing the old gas boilers with a ground source heat pump to reduce the energy consumption and hopefully fuel bills.

Careful consideration is also being taken in choosing the building materials. The new design uses timber and natural fibre insulation products so is quite a bit different to the materials usually used in schools. During the next phase of our journey we will continue to work closely with the contactors and Hampshire County Council Property Services to plan for this to start during the summer holidays 2023. 

Planned stages of the project

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