Year 5 Weekly Highlights 9.9.22
Year 5 have had a brilliant first week back in school! We kicked off on Monday by exploring our learning value of Working Together. Through stories and team activities, we reflected on what it means to work together well, the skills we need to develop and the various ways we will work in teams this year. This theme has continued through the week with the children working in pairs to complete a reading project, using a brilliant text called 'Dr Maggie's Journey through the Solar System'. Tasked to discover as much as they could about the Solar System, the children have enjoyed delving into a new book and beginning to expand their scientific knowledge ready to start our new Science unit 'Space and Gravity' next week! They also enjoyed their first visit to the library too and being able to access the older reader section was a big highlight!
In other areas of the curriculum, the children have begun Place Value in Maths and have explored what it means to be an Unsung Hero in English. In the words of the children, we have explored how 'one small act can make a big difference' and the impact a man had on the lives of everyone he met.
In so many ways, Year 5 have thoroughly impressed us this week, displaying our community values brilliantly and making a fantastic start to the new year. We wish you all a well deserved and restful weekend and look forward to seeing them all back and raring to go on Monday!
The Year 5 Team