Year 4 Weekly Highlights 15.7.22
Despite the extreme heat, Year 4 have carried on with their customary enthusiasm and there is no sign of slowing for the end of term! In English, we have started writing our Alice in Wonderland stories, trying to incorporate the humour of the original as Alice plays croquet with mallets ranging from crocodiles to giraffes and balls from armadillos to woodlice. Maths has now progressed onto symmetry and coordinates to conclude our geometry unit. Other topics this week have included continuing our study of sound in Science, wrapping up our unit on Karma in RE and learning about mummification in history. A particular highlight has been the brilliant Listen to Me ukulele concert from 4CO. Well done 4CO - you were amazing! Today, the children have had an inspiring careers afternoon so a massive thank you to the parents involved in that.
Finally, it just remains to say what a pleasure and privilege it has been to teach these wonderful children for the year. They have each been fantastic and made so much progress in so many ways. We will miss them all.
The Year 4 team