Sports day special!
Year 5 have had another busy week this week, rounded off with a fantastic Sports afternoon! The sun shone for us at 1pm on Friday and it was great to see the children enjoying all of the different activities, including javelin, hurdles and boccia. Perhaps most lovely of all, was watching such great examples of sportsmanship with the house teams working so effectively together and cheering each other on.
In other areas of the curriculum, the children have loved planning their habitats ready to write a new page in the style of our beautiful non-fiction text, Wonder Garden. They imagined being explorers who had visited the newly-discovered Island of Hunga-Tonga and thought about landscapes, plants and animals they found there, being inspired by our recent trip to the Living Rainforest. Next week, we look forward to writing our reports and can't wait to share some of these with you!
In Science, Year 5 impressed us with their knowledge of forces as they completed our end of unit quiz. To quote one pupil: 'We know so much more now and are using vocabulary we never knew before.' It was great to see them applying their thinking in different contexts and comfortably using a range of high-level technical vocabulary, including water resistance, air resistance and friction.
Other highlights include exploring whether there are simple solutions to the big problem of deforestation in our 'Earth Heroes' geography unit; beginning to investigate the theme of Courage in RE and finishing our text The Night Bus Hero in Reading and making wordles to explore our understanding of how the central character changed through the text.