Year 3 Weekly Highlights 17.6.22
This week in Year 3, we have enjoyed being investigators! During our science lesson, we started to investigate how stems transport water and nutrients around plants by adding food colouring to some water with white roses in. Ask your child about what happened to the petals of the flower!
In maths, we have continued our learning about fractions. We have looked at how to add and subtract fractions using counters to show this and bar models.
In English, Year 3 have been exploring the text 'One Plastic Bag'. The children have written a diary entry from the viewpoint of Isatou finding the plastic bag and her journey with it. They have also started to explore different adverts ready to create their own!
A highlight from this week was our history lessons and looking at the different portrayals of Boudicca. We looked at a range of pictures and texts that described Boudicca and the children had to sort the pictures from most positive to least positive. Ask your child about their favourite picture of Boudicca!
Another fantastic week has come to an end in Year 3!
Enjoy the weekend!