Year 3 Weekly Highlights 10.6.22
Welcome back to the summer term!
We can’t believe we are in the last weeks of the children being in Year 3 land!
In English, the children have absolutely loved exploring 'Into the Forest' by Anthony Browne. In our first lesson, we carefully looked at one of the pictures from the text to find hidden nursery rhyme and fairy tale characters and objects. The children were amazed by how these were carefully woven into the trees in the forest and the clever use of colour. We then read half of the story and then later in the week the children had to then write the ending. Our school librarian, Mrs Thomas kindly shared with the children where these books can be found in the library, so they can explore further the fabulous books of Anthony Browne.
Thursday was our Roman play in a day. All the children looked amazing in their costumes so thank you parents and carers for entering into the spirit of everything Roman! We clearly have some budding thespians in our midst!
We are noticing a huge improvement in times tables knowledge, so please keep that up along with learning how to tell the time and spellings. Thank you for all your support!
To end a fantastic first week back at school, we had our first session with Integr8 Dance learning some street dance skills! Ask your child/children to show you what they learned!
We hope you all have a lovely weekend!
The Year 3 Team