Year 3 Weekly Highlights 13.5.22
One of our biggest highlights this week was our trip to Hillier Gardens which linked to our learning about plants in science. We took part in a variety of activities which included a drama activity about seed dispersal and learning about pollination. We all pretended to be rabbits and trees to learn about photosynthesis and the importance of carbon dioxide for plants. The children were fantastic ambassadors for the school and had some excellent questions for the Hilliers staff.
In English, we are exploring the text 'Escape from Pompeii' which includes the characters Tranio and Livia. The children have explored the setting and characters in preparation for writing their own version of events.
In maths, we have started our new unit on Fractions. We have looked at what is a part, what is a whole, what equal parts look like and what unit fractions are.
In our reading lessons, the children have read and explored a range of non-fiction texts about animals who have influenced inventions. We have also enjoyed exploring the different layout features of non-fiction texts.
We had a fantastic time today during our Biathlon event whilst competing for our school house! Lots of teamwork and enthusiasm shown!
Another fantastic week in Year 3!