Year 3 Weekly Highlights 6.5.22
The Year 3 crayon box here,
We are writing to let you know that we have LOVED the Year 3 writing this week, because all the children have been TOTALLY creative and imaginative when writing in the style of The Day the Crayons Quit! You must, must, must ask them to tell you about their letter. In fact, we INSIST upon this! If you don't, you will regret it!
We've been very impressed with the children's use of: emotional blackmail; making threats; being bossy and exaggeration.
This week, we have been applying our addition and subtraction skills to solve length and perimeter problems. Make the children tell you what they have learned - you will be AMAZED!
Don't ask your child about the destruction they caused in our science lessons this week! We've never seen such blatant disregard for the plant kingdom! We expect you'll soon be receiving letters from the drowned/parched plants in due course!
We are also writing to remind you about our school trip to Hillier Gardens next Tuesday 10th May. Please wear comfortable outdoor clothing with sensible walking shoes and bring a packed lunch with a water bottle! Don't forget OR ELSE!
Your overworked crayons!