Year 3 Weekly Highlights 6.12.24
In year 3 this week, we have enjoyed the start of the Christmas festivities around school.
In Reading, we have read more of The Iron Man and learnt about his character and friendship with Hogarth. Through the text, we practised our skimming and scanning reading skills to answer questions by identifying the key words in the question and finding them in the text. We have also been reviewing each lesson whether we believe The Iron Man or Hogarth are villains.
In Maths, we have continued our learning with our multiplication and division unit. We have started to learn and practise our 8 times tables and applying our times tables knowledge to reasoning questions and using our related facts.
In English, we started our new book, Stone Age Boy, which link to our Stone Age History topic. So far, we have met the boy and his new friend, Om and have started to get an understanding of what life was like in the Stone Age. As well as this, we have learnt what skills you would have learnt in the Stone Age e.g. making tools from flint, making clothes from animal skins, cooking food over an open fire.
This week, we all enjoyed designing our own clay pottery artefact in art by selecting pattens to decorate the sides with. We had to think carefully about the patterns we used as we want to make sure that our pots could have been used in the Stone Age.
We look forward to welcoming you into the classrooms on Wednesday 11th December from 3.30pm - 3.55pm to have a look at your child's work from the Autumn term before joining us all on the playground for the Christmas Carol Concert.
Enjoy your weekend!
The Year 3 Team.