Year 5 Weekly Highlights 13.9.24
Wow, that first week has flown by!
Y5 have started their autumn project: Do our choices really matter?
We've started looking at this question through PDL, RE, Geography and PE. We launched our marathon run this week and have already a couple of miles to contribute to our total.
Hawthorn and Ash class absolutely loved their trips to the Sustainability Centre, despite being rather wet!!! We explored the concepts of sustainability and this relates to energy and the environment. We made some yummy smoothies on bikes and have made seed bombs ready to throw onto the school site once they're dry. We know Maple class will have a great time on Monday.
The children have been so proud of their poems about a child's dream. This has compared a dream world to reality. More to share of these once they're written up.
⭐️Year 5 team⭐️