Year 3 Weekly Highlights 21.6.24
Week 3 got off to a great start with our VR headsets to explore life in Rome, both back in the Roman period as well as experiencing key landmarks and ruins as they are today.
Meanwhile, in our games lessons, we continued to develop the key skills for rounders and took on a range of roles from fielders to bowlers! We will continue to develop these skills over the coming weeks as we build up to full games.
Over the last few weeks, we have all enjoyed observing the development of our caterpillars into butterflies and yesterday we released our butterflies into our secret butterfly garden we began to create during our school community day!
All of this week, Year 3 have been busy beavering away with their final Escape from Pompeii narrative. We have been really proud of their independence when using compound, complex sentences and fronted adverbials.
As this week draws to a close, so does our time learning. We will be starting our geometry learning in Maths with a focus on angles, turns and 2D shapes to begin with.
Please remember to keep up the hard work on TTRS and we look forward to sharing our Maths learning next week in our parent session on Thursday at 9 - 9:45.
We wish everyone a great weekend,
Year 3 Team