Year 3 Weekly Highlights 7.6.24
This week in Year 3 we have launched our final project on the Romans!
In English, we began our new unit using the text - Escape from Pompeii. We explored the haggling in the streets, life in the harbour and delved into our two main character’s lives and their love for knucklebones!
In History, we have explored chronology to understand where the Roman period fits amongst other time periods, the key events within the period and the meaning of AD and BC. We will explore who the Romans were ahead of our trip to Fishbourne Roman Palace on Tuesday!
Meanwhile in Reading, we embarked on our next text - Wildsmith: Into the Dark Forest. We began by researching our author and illustrator before creating our own predictions using a range of clues. We have all thoroughly enjoyed reading the opening chapters and finding out more about Rowan and the ‘royal’ conversation she overheard.
In Maths, we recapped our learning on time and continued to unpick half past, o’clock, quarter past and quarter to on our own clocks. Alongside this, we have had a big focus on explaining our reasoning using key terminology.
Thank you for all the sports day support this morning - we wish all of Year 3 and their families a lovely weekend!
Year 3 Team