Year 3 Weekly Highlights 17.5.24
The excitement is building in Year 3 ahead of our Imagination Showcase next Wednesday!
Year 3 have all been busy beavering away with their final creative pieces of writing, drawing on our writing features, their knowledge of the characters and their creative ideas linked to a new scene in Narnia! It has been a pleasure to read and share all the children’s ideas in class this week.
Meanwhile, with our reading of the Iron Man, we have enjoyed sharing chapter 4 with a focus on fluency and drawing inferences using evidence from the text for Hogarth and the Iron Man. We have even taken time to create our own space-bat-angel-dragon drawings!
In Maths, we have begun our new time learning, drawing on our own clock creations to support our understanding of o’clock, half past, the hour hand and the minute hand to explain reasoning and problem-solving contexts. As half term approaches, please use any opportunities over the break to rehearse o’clock and half past using analogue clocks.
We hope everyone has a lovely weekend and we are looking forward to sharing our learning on Wednesday morning!
The Year 3 Team