Year 6 Weekly Highlights 19.4.24
Even though we are back at school after the Easter break, we still managed to get outside to do some learning- bikeability. The first session taught us how to check our bike so that they are roadworthy - ABCD ( ask your children what this means) and also to make sure that we are confident to ride our bikes whilst signalling. Wait for next week's update after we have completed all our sessions.
We started our new music unit - leitmotif -which looks at how composer uses musical phrases to represent characters. We began our new History unit on the Ancient Greeks and not forgetting our new reading unit - Wolf brother.
Sites of application have taken on a new twist this week when we have focused on the voice of our writing and how to convey to a younger audience the importance of the circulatory system and the organs involved. Did you know that if your blood vessels were joined end to end they would circle the world twice? Just think, that's all inside us ! We are thoroughly enjoying this writing experience.
In maths, we are building on our concepts of fractions, percentages and decimals and how they are related to ratio and proportion which will help us in real-life scenarios. This will continue next week.