Year 4 Weekly Highlights 1.3.24
This week the children have been shocked to discover how the orphans at Harklights are treated by evil Old Ma Bogey. They have written a very persuasive letter to the orphanage inspector encouraging him to carry out a proper inspection of the orphanage, rather than merely talking to Ma Bogey outside the gates. This independent writing was a great opportunity for the children to show off all the writing skills they have developed. We were amazed by the lengths at which they wrote!
In maths, we continue to develop our understanding of fractions covering equivalent fractions and how to find unit fractions of an amount.
Also this week, we have started learning about 'sacrifice' in our RE lessons. We have discussed that helping lay the table occasionally is not really a sacrifice! This will lead into our walk down to St Martins church in Hiltingbury on Friday next week. Thank you to those parents who have already volunteered to come with us. Finally, you will find some photos of our computing work, generating repeating patterns by writing procedures on Turtle Academy. There is a link to this on Google Classroom if any of the children want to keep exploring.
Have a lovely weekend and we look forward to seeing you next week for Book Week.