Year 3 Weekly Highlights 9.2.24
We are very proud of Year 3 this half term and this week has been no exception!
On Monday, we started with the introduction to our Mental Health and Wellbeing week, with the theme 'Our Voice Matters' from our wellbeing ambassadors. On Wednesday, we were all blown away with the Year 3 talent show! Thank you for all the support at home to prepare these, every act was well rehearsed and the kindness, respect and support from the cohort was outstanding.
Over the course of the week, the children have been creating their own interviews for two Northern White Rhinos, in the style of Andy Seed. It was great to see their enthusiasm and creativity when sharing their great pieces with their peers, when editing and publishing them.
On Thursday morning, we were joined by University of Winchester students to complete our Geography unit on coasts, who were very pleased with all the key vocabulary and ideas all the children could explain. All of Year 3 got to create their own interactive coastline with their own coastal defences!
Our reading unit on the book 'Last' has helped the children develop their inference skills about the Rhino throughout his journey. To bring the unit research and learning on Rhinos to close, the children created their own collage style Rhino from the illustrations in the book.
When we return after half term, our library visits will commence on the Monday and Tuesday of the first week back!
In the meantime, we wish everyone a happy half term and hope everyone has a well deserved break!
Year 3 Team