Year 3 Weekly Highlights 26.01.24
We can't believe another week in Year 3 is over!
In English, we have started our new writing unit on the book, 'Interview with a Tiger' by Andy Seed. Throughout the week, we have looked at the Bengal Tiger and Jaguar pages. Our learning has started by recapping layout features for non-fiction texts, writing answers as the animal and writing questions following the structure of Andy Seed.
In maths, we have continued our unit on length and perimeter. We have been comparing lengths, adding lengths and looking at equivalent lengths across millimetres, centimetres and metres.
In Reading, we have brought our work on the book, Interview with a Panda, to an end. We have looked at both the Nimba Toad and Tiger Chameleon pages to practise our note-taking and reading fluency skills. Year 3 really impressed us today when we looked at different themes across the different animal pages we have focused on. Well done Year 3!
We ended the week with continuing our learning on balances in our PE gymnastics lesson.
Next week, it is our library session with Mrs Thomas. 3R and 3H have their library slot on Monday and 3D have theirs on Tuesday so please make sure library books are in school.
We hope you all have a fantastic weekend!
The Year 3 Team.