Year 3 Weekly Highlights 24.11.23
This week has seen us all become authors - planning, editing and publishing our endings for Stone Age Boy. Year 3 have worked so hard on their writing and blew us all away with their handwriting, ideas and use of vocabulary! We have thoroughly enjoyed reading their final pieces!
In Maths, we have all made a great start to our new multiplication and division unit, identifying equal groups, using arrays to show that 3 x 5 is the same as 5 x 3 and recognising patterns within the multiples of 2, 5 and 10.
Through our History and Reading learning, we have continued to make comparisons across and between the Stone, Bronze and Iron ages, while drawing on our skimming and scanning skills to retrieve key information. We even researched key animals from this period and created our own 'top trump' style cards!
We have also begun our focused learning on homophones, making sure we choose the correct homophone to fit our sentences. We will be continuing our learning on homophones into next week.
Please remember your odd socks on Monday in preparation for our Anti-bullying week learning.
We hope all of Year 3 have a brilliant weekend and a well deserved break!
The Year 3 team.