Year 5 Weekly Highlights 10.11.23
Across the week, Y5 has had some new learning experiences, through visitors, to support their learning. On Wednesday, we welcomed the NSPCC who talked about the work they do and the support they offer. On Thursday we welcomed Winchester University and their rained teachers who launched our new geography project linked the Europe. The children in their classes worked with small groups and taught the opening lessons about discovering Europe. The children enjoyed this a lot and were able to use lots of maps and images to learn more about the continent of Europe. The trainee teachers commented on the excellent learning behaviours and geographical knowledge and skills the children already had, so the rest of the project will definitely be exciting. In between all these visitors, we have continued to write about Pandora for our English work and also further our table knowledge by looking at factors and multiplies.
We look forward to next week with another new learning experience - the wonderdome!