Year 6 Weekly Highlights 3.11.23
Things started with spooky fun in Year 6 this week and we had some amazing costumes! Despite their fantastic outfits - some of which involved full face masks!! - the children got quickly stuck back into learning..
This week has seen us master long multiplication and it has required real reflection and ambition from us all. We are so proud of the children’s efforts and their desire to challenge themselves too. All of our efforts to learn times tables really helps because we need those at the tip of our fingertips to be able to use long multiplication fluently.
In reading, we have all enjoyed learning more about the Windrush Generation. Today we wrote postcards empathising with Leonard’s feelings on his arrival in Britain and how different it is from home in Maroon Town. We’ve also been recording everything Leonard was told and promised about Britain and we are going to use this knowledge when we begin our next writing journey.
Along with our first lesson of basketball and an enjoyable circuits lesson, we’ve also been looking at the use of apostrophes, continuing to practise our spellings and exploring the many financial, physical and human impacts of earthquakes.
Amongst all the fun, we’ve actually have no photos to add yet this week but please look out for LOTS next week when we head off on residential. Get some sleep this weekend everyone!!!