Year 4 Weekly Highlights 6.10.23
Year 4 excitedly donned their welly boots ready to set off for their walk around Hocombe Mead on Monday. As we left the busy road behind, the noise changed from cars to the chattering of birds and the peacefulness of the woodland area. The children loved stomping across the boardwalks over the streams and through the ancient woodland to the open meadow although the Dexter cow dung featured rather too dominantly in their writing task to recount the event! Next week they will start to write their promotion leaflet for the nature reserve with some persuasive and precise language.
Talking of trips, next week is our trip to Bolderwood in the New Forest to investigate this national park and compare it to Yosemite. We presently only have a few volunteers to help us with this trip and would be truly grateful for a few more hands on the day. It is a great way to spend time with the children in a wonderful location and promises to be a great day out. Please fill in the form if you are able to support us as soon as possible.
In maths we have compared and ordered four digit numbers this week using the < > symbols and using ascending and descending vocabulary. We have also continued our work on rounding and today rounded four digit numbers to the nearest 100 and tomorrow to the near 10. In reading the children have drawn some super inferences on familiar and unfamiliar characters by looking at their stance, clothes and facial expressions. They should now know when to tidy their bedrooms with just a glance or a look! Also on the website this week are some photos of an exciting science lesson involving Skittles. Best wishes for a sunny relaxing weekend.