Year 3 Weekly Highlights 6.10.23
We have had another busy but exciting week in Year 3!
As part of our fables English journey, we have thought carefully about our verb choices and prepositions in our fable - The Lion and the Mouse. We have also enjoyed using our own drama, freeze frames and hot seating to begin to explore the thoughts of the Hare and the Tortoise. We are looking forward to writing letters in character next week!
In Maths, we have started our new addition and subtraction unit, drawing on our place value knowledge of hundreds, tens and ones. We have been noticing patterns, investigating the role of 0 as a place holder and explaining which number changes and why, when adding and subtracting 1, 10 and 100.
We managed to dodge the showers on Tuesday afternoon to explore our local grounds, making observations with our small figures and listening carefully to create our own soundscapes in Geography.
As we continue to establish routines for Year 3, we ask for your continued support at home to help ensure your child is reading at least three times a week, completing their weekly spellings on Google Classroom and their 2s, 5s and 10s on TTRS.
Have a wonderful weekend,
The Year 3 team