Year 3 Weekly Highlights 29.9.23
Year 3 had a very exciting start to the week with our Aesop’s Fables performance! As part of the workshop, we discovered the origins behind the fables and enjoyed the storytelling and drama to bring many fables to life. We have continued to think about the morals behind many of the classic fables and will continue to explore this in our own English lessons next week.
As a year 3 team, we have really enjoyed reading the children’s retelling of Barnabus’ escape from the lab. A great first piece of extended writing, drawing on our learning of expanded noun phrases and compound sentences.
On Wednesday morning, we ventured out in our classes on our local area walk. We first need to say a big thank you to all the parents who offered their time and thank you if you supported us on this experience. When returning to school, we worked hard to combine our observations, knowledge of keys and compass bearings to create our own maps of the local area. In the coming weeks, we will be drawing on this experience to create our own local area guide.
To end the week, we all enjoyed sharing a book at the end of the day with Hugo and Miss Loosemore. Please remember to bring in any library books that need changing on Monday for our library slot!
Have a great weekend,
Year 3 team