Year 4 Weekly Highlights 22.9.23
Year 4 are now well settled into the routines of the new school year. In English, we have enjoyed reading their first piece of extended writing: a police appeal asking the public to look out for a mysterious giant who has snatched a little girl from an orphanage. In art we will use our sketching skills as part of our Quention Blake topic to draw the BFG to illustrate our wanted posters. In maths, we are now building on from Year 3 by extending our understanding of place value to 4 digit numbers. All classes have now had a go at logging into Times Tables Rock Stars and have played a few games. Getting into the habit of playing 3 times a week now will really reap benefits when it comes to the Multiplication Tables Check in June. We encourage them to play in the 'garage' as this will give them games tailored to their current level.
We look forward to seeing as many of you as possible on Monday morning for our Meet the Teachers event. In the meantime, we hope you all have a wonderful weekend.