Year 5 Weekly Highlights 7.7.23
This week in Year 5 has been an action-packed week! In English and Reading, the children have continued to look at 'The Explorer' and develop our understanding of the characters. Once they understood the characters and their motives, we started to explore the language choices these characters made. The children are keen to continue reading next week!
In Maths this week, we have continued Year 5’s learning on Geometry, looking at topics such as types of shapes and lines of symmetry. This has really tested their knowledge of properties of shapes in order to classify and group shapes.
Our French this week consisted of completing French weather reports. The children had a great time performing some of these in front of the class. They were able to use phrasing to depict where the weather would be happening and on what day!
Science this week focused on life cycles, with the children exploring different life cycles for different types of animals. The children learnt the skill of using scientific drawings to show this.
Year 5 also took part in some fieldwork. The aim of the fieldwork was to appreciate the world around us in much smaller detail. The children used figurines to achieve this and to show perspective and depth in their photographs.
History this week has continued our journey in understanding the history of the Monarchy. The children looked at Queen Elizabeth this week.
The end of the week has been rounded off with our Sports Day! The whole school competed throughout the day for their house team to be the 2023 Sports Day champion! The day was finished with the whole school cheering on the Year 6 races at the end.
We hope you enjoy the weekend and the sunshine!
- Year 5 Team