Year 4 Weekly Highlights 7.7.23
What a week! In maths, we have continued learning about decimals and are now exploring hundredths whilst in English, we are starting to learn about Perce Blackborow, the stowaway on Shackleton's ship, Endurance. The photos of children huddled under desks are as we tried to empathise with Perce as he huddled hidden in a locker. We concluded the children would not be successful stowaways as they can't sit still or quiet for long enough! In science, we have continued learning about the life cycles of different animals and the children were fascinated to learn about eusocial animals such as ants. For many children, the highlight of the week will have been Sports Day. They all did brilliantly and we are so proud of their enthusiasm and resilience.
Have a great weekend !
The Year 4 team.