Year 4 Weekly Highlights 16.6.23
We are incredibly proud of the children this week. Clearly, they've all been working very hard on learning their tables and they tackled their Times Tables checks with 'can do' attitudes. We will continue practising our tables daily, as they are such an important foundation for maths throughout their lives.
In English, the children have been continuing our unit of work based on 'Emmanuel's Dream'. This week, having read an example letter from the perspective of Sarah Storey, they have learnt the language and grammatical skills needed for writing their own persuasive letters. They are very keen to put these skills into practice now - don't be surprised if your child starts using effective persuasive language to convince you to buy them an ice cream or have a later bedtime!
We have finished Whale Boy in reading and are making a start on our final unit of year for, which is based on a fabulous non fiction book linked with our history topic called ‘So you think you’ve got it bad?’ Please can all copies of Whale Boy be returned ASAP.
Monday afternoon was particularly exciting, as we had a variety of adults come in to talk to the children about their careers. Thank you so much to all of the year 4 parents and families who gave your time to prepare and deliver these brilliant sessions. We all learnt so much about different jobs and the skills needed to be successful within them.
Have a wonderful weekend,
The year 4 team