Year 5 Weekly Highlights 28.4.23
This week Year 5 were privileged to be involved in a STEM activity led by Mott McDonald. The civil engineering firm led two tasks both involving building bridges. One of the workshops involved constructing a 13m bridge. The children showed excellent working together and project management skills. The results were hugely impressive. The second workshop gave the children the challenge to make the strongest bridge spanning a 30cm gap. Again working in groups, the children constructed a wide variety of bridges, which they then tested by adding weights to the bridge. Some of the bridges took up to and exceeded 6kg! The children thoroughly enjoyed these activities, and they were able to relate how their recent maths and science topics could be used in a practical way.
In English, the children showed a huge amount of creativity by writing a paragraph in the style of Jenny Broom in the Wonder Garden. Using multi-clause sentences and descriptive language for effect the children impressed us with a journey through the Great Barrier reef.
In Maths, the children have continued their decimals unit. This week we have been working on the skill of rounding to the nearest whole and tenth.
This week we have completed our RE unit on courage. As they prepare for their residential trip away next week, we hope the discussions that we had about being courageous in new situations has been encouraging to them.
We hope you have a lovely restful weekend. Look forward to seeing you all with your suitcases, pillow and pillow case on Tuesday!