Year 4 Weekly Highlights 09.12.22
A highlight this week has been sharing the Christmas tree labels and seeing the impact of the positive comments on the children's faces. Each child pulled a name and was given a label to write a comment about that person. The children were almost more excited to have the opportunity to write something kind about another child than to receive the wonderful comments. One child said, "It makes me happy seeing other children so happy to hear nice things said about them, I don't need a tag for me." I think all our hearts swelled at that!
In English and art we are enjoying dragon fever with the children gathering both skills and information ready to write their own non-fiction page on their dragon discovery. Meanwhile in art we have been developing the skills of sketching dragon eyes, wings and claws ready to pull this into our own unique creation. In geography, the children demonstrated their knowledge and skills at creating a map of the school grounds with their own symbols for the features. This is not quite as easy as it sounds with scale and proportion proving to be quite challenging. However with a focus on length and perimeter in maths, the children should now be able to measure the playground in metres rather than mm! The children will conclude this unit of field work by creating their own sketch map of the area around Hiltingbury and the route to Hocombe Mead - perhaps ready for some sunny, frosty walks at the weekend. Best wishes for a super end to the autumn term!