Year 5 Weekly Highlights
This week in year 5 have had a super busy week and started lots of new topics.
Here are some children’s favourite moments:
In science, we learnt about the different phases of the moon and used Oreo’s to show this change. We scraped off the cream and showed what a half and full moon looked like- it was great fun and our mouths were watering because we really want to them.
In English, we did lots of independent writing, our first story was writing a diary about Nicky’s summer. Our second piece of writing was writing a suspense story about Francis when she was camping and decided to go out rowing in the middle of the night.
We have also started our new English unit which is about the Pandora planet and is based around Avatar. We have learnt about the different creatures, our favourite are the viper wolves and Hexapods.
In maths, we have been working hard on our numbers, for example we have looked at subtracting and adding decimals and rounding and estimating.
Have a great weekend and it's a week countdown for half term!!