Year 4 Highlights 29.4.22
How lovely it was to see the children on Monday morning looking so well and excited to be back in the classroom and with their friends again. We began the week introducing a new English writing unit on Marcy and the riddle of the sphinx. The children were quick to point out the link with our forthcoming history unit on the Ancient Egyptians and could identify the pyramids, hieroglyphics, tombs and the paws of the sphinx. As they follow the adventures of Marcy, as she proves herself as an explorer, the children will revisit their grammar skills of using fronted adverbials and complex sentences. In maths the children have continued their work on fractions by adding and subtracting mixed number fractions beyond a whole and applying their skills to word problems. The children had a new reading target for reading their copy of Whale Boy, to reach page 106 (Chapter 11) for Friday 29th April and are now aiming for page 116 by Tuesday 3rd May. In the lessons, the children have begun to make inferences based on Spargo's actions and dialogue that he may not be as genuine and kind as he would like Michael to believe. During the afternoons this week, children have enjoyed PDL lessons with a special focus on First Aid. The children learnt how to manage a minor bleed and created posters to put next to the first aid boxes giving advice in the event of an incident involving a minor bleed. We have begun extra practice of our times tables ready for the multiplication check and have encouraged the children to practice at home and test their adults! Finally, enjoy some photos of our Kindness day. Have a wonderful week. 6 x 9 = ? 7 x 4= ???