Year 3 Highlights 01.4.22
Well it is apparent that we have many budding chefs in our cohort this year! Year 3 all enjoyed this week putting their own twist on the classic Salad Nicoise. These included grated carrot, cheese and diced beetroot, substituting potatoes for pasta and finishing off with drizzles of salad cream or mayonnaise and freshly ground black pepper. Even tomato ketchup made an appearance! The safe cutting methods of bridge and claw were used to great effect and once all ingredients were prepped the salads were arranged to create appealing dishes. Thank you again to all those parents who supported the children and teachers with this activity.
Music lessons this week have been practical sessions with children getting the opportunity to play the new glockenspiels as they explore French folk songs of Frere Jacques and next week we will be looking at Clair de lune. The children are looking to play rhythmically with accuracy and a steady beat.
In English following on from World Book Day and our Performance Poetry, we are exploring weather poems . The children are being exposed to a variety of poets from around the world and are enjoying reading these aloud, collecting rich and powerful vocabulary before they start to write their own weather poem. In maths we will be starting our unit on length and revisiting the 4x and 8x tables.
Have an enjoyable weekend,
The Year 3 Team,