Year 3 Weekly Highlights 28.2.25
Year 3 have settled well back into school after half term!
In English this week, we have started our learning about Bees. We were introduced to Mikaila Ulmer who got stung by a bee and learnt that some bees are endangered. As a result, Mikaila created her own lemonade business where profits get shared with bee charities.
In maths, we have continued our fractions unit. We have used number lines to recognise fractions, count in fractions and find equivalent fractions. To support our understanding of equivalent fractions, we have used fraction walls.
In reading, we used our creative skills to bring our book, 'Last: The Story of a White Rhino' from the last half term to a close by creating our own rhino artwork. We were all inspired by the illustrations used and tried to replicate them using newspaper and paint. We have also created a label to share some interesting facts about Northern White Rhinos to go with our artwork.
The biggest highlight of the week was our school trip to the New Forest Wildlife Park. Despite the rain on Wednesday for some classes, everyone had a great time exploring the park and deepening our knowledge of conservation and how we can support animals. We were able to use our understanding of the IUCN Red List when reading about the animals and how endangered they are. We were surprised by how noisy the otters were!
We look forward to another week in Year 3 next week with our World Book Day celebrations on Thursday.7
We hope everyone has a great weekend!
The Year 3 Team.