Year 3 Weekly Highlights 7.2.25
We can't believe another week in Year 3 is over!
In English, we have started our new writing unit on the book, 'Interview with a Tiger' by Andy Seed. Throughout the week, we have looked at the Bengal Tiger and Jaguar pages. Our learning has started by recapping layout features for non-fiction texts, writing answers as the animal and writing questions following the structure of Andy Seed.
In science this week, we explored why animals have skeletons. We looked at different parts of a human skeleton using pictures of x-rays to help us to understand what our bones look like. We also looked at skeletons of other animals and had to guess which animal it belonged to!
Towards the end of the week, Year 3 drew on our school 'working together' value to research the Northern White Rhino through our reading lesson. The children used a range of reading skills to collect information. Year 3 will be using this information next week as we plan, draft and edit our own interview with a Rhino, in the style of our author!
A highlight this week was Year 3 visiting our new school library for the first time since it was refurbished. We were all very excited to try the new seating areas to sit and enjoy reading our books!
As always, we wish everyone a lovely weekend,
Year 3 Team