Year 3 Weekly Highlights 29.11.24
We can't believe that we are half way through this half term already!
This week, we had our Anti-Bullying Week in school with the theme focusing on Respect. Each class discussed and watched videos about what respect means and how we can show respect to other people and our environment. Year 3 were set the challenge by Mr Achilles to keep a tally of all the respectful acts that they see throughout the week.
In English this week, we have continued our learning on instructions. At the start of the week, we wrote our own set of instructions on 'How to Wash a Woolly Mammoth' focusing on using sequential conjunctions, imperative verbs and adverbs. At the end of the week, we were inspired by Roald Dahl's book, George's Marvellous Medicine and wrote our own instructions for Grandma's potion. Lots of fun was had using our creativity to write the ingredients list!
In maths, we have continued our multiplication and division unit. We have focused our learning around the 3 times tables, the 4 times tables and applying them to sharing and grouping problem solving questions. Please continue to log into Times Tables Rock Stars to continue this learning and rapid recall.
A particular highlight from week 4 was testing out the porosity of rocks in our science lesson. We submerged chalk, granite and sandstone in water to see which rock was the most porous. As well as this, the teachers led an investigation on observing which rock had the best hardness by scratching it with a nail or screw and which rocks reacted with lemon juice.
A friendly reminder that next week is library week for Year 3. Alder and Willow will visit on Monday and Laurel on Tuesday - please make sure that all library books are in school.
We are looking forward to the start of the Christmas festivities over the coming weeks!
We hope you all have a great weekend!
The Year 3 Team.