Year 5 Weekly Highlights 14.6.24
Year 5 have been busy bees week, especially with their Maths. We've all been so impressed with their knowledge and understanding of angles and have been able to use this with lots of challenging problems to construct shape this week. With writing, we have written river poems, some shared in photos, and more to be shared when we have our final outcome. As well as this, we revealed the new book for reading - The Explorer. This is my favourite book and can't wait to read it again with this cohort. Our wonderful class winners took to the stage for the poetry competition and did year 5 proud. Finally, 5B we're delighted to welcome MG Leonard this week who did a workshop for us because Seb won the writing competition. We are very much looking forward to prize 2 in a couple of weeks.
Enjoy the weekend ☀️