Year 4 Weekly Highlights 22.3.24
This week in year 4 has seen another superb smörgåsbord of learning. Our overarching theme for the week has been the worldwide neurodiversity celebration week and the children have enjoyed opening their minds about the different ways in which people work. They have learnt about the zones of regulation and how we manage the emotions we have, they have learnt some signs in Makaton and have even heard about the positive aspects of autistic minds in assembly.
In maths they have continued working on fractions and using different representations to solve adding fractions that are greater than one whole. Through bar models, number lines and converting improper fractions, year 4 now know to make the whole first and then the fractional parts by partitioning.
Reading has seen us delve further into the world of Harklights and thank you all for your support in continuing to read the book at home.
During the afternoons, the classes have been buzzing (literally and metaphorically) by combining our science and DT learning about electricity. We have considered which devices need electricity, what electrical sources there are and have constructed simple circuits. We have then applied this learning to make an alarm system for an exhibit at the British Museum. 4DN have been asked to bring in a shoebox or similar to construct their model next Thursday; 4S your chance to make your models will be after Easter due to Good Friday.
Finally, we all had a great time honing our travel and defensive skills as a year group in netball. The children had the opportunity to work with others in year 4 and Mrs Bullock revealed her now not so secret netball player skills, so the children have had some expert coaching. Ask your child what a 'sticky foot' is in netball and see what response you get!