Year 3 Weekly Highlights 8.12.23
This week has been filled with many festive celebrations around school and within Year 3. On Thursday, we enjoyed our Christmas lunch together and were all dressed for the occasion with our Christmas jumpers and creative party hats!
In Art we created our final replica Stone Age pots and brought our designs to life using clay. We have also been planning and editing our instructions on how to wash a Woolly Mammoth. We have all been blown away by the children's creative ideas and their independent use of our writing features.
Over the course of the week, two mischievous elves have been getting up to all sorts of trouble amongst the Year 3 classes from moving the furniture to building multi-link towers and making a mess with paper snowflakes! Who knows what next week might bring!
As we step into the final week, we will continue our multiplication and division learning with a focus on developing links between the 2, 4 and 8 times tables.
In Reading and English, we will be developing our inference skills and applying our writing features using The Night Before Christmas book.
We wish everyone a great weekend,
The Year 3 Team