Year 3 Weekly Highlights 20.10.23
We have had another very busy week in year 3!
In English, we have finished our flyer’s on Hiltingbury, our local area. The children have written paragraphs on Hiltingbury Lakes, The Rec and the shops. The focus of this was including expanded noun phrases, a range of sentence structures and sentence types.
We have also continued our maths learning on addition and subtraction. Our new piece of learning this week has been written methods for addition and subtraction. We have seen some beautifully laid out written methods in maths books.
In reading, we have finished our fairytale unit. Throughout the unit, the children have explored what features make a fairytale, the morals of different fairytales, comparing similarities and differences between fairytales all whilst practising their reading fluency skills.
To end the week, we have continued our streetdance learning with Integr8 dance. We will continue building on our streetdance knowledge next half term too. Our PE and Games days will continue to be Mondays and Fridays next half term.
Next half term, we will be doing our Art unit. As part of this unit, it will include making an item using clay. If your child doesn’t have an art apron in school already, please could this be in school for after half term to cover their clothes.
Some important upcoming dates for your diaries:
Monday 30th October - INSET day.
Tuesday 31st October - HSPTA Halloween fundraiser. Come to school in a Halloween costume or dress down day.
Tuesday 7th November - 3R school trip to Hillier Gardens.
Wednesday 8th November - 3D school trip to Hillier Gardens.
Friday 10th November - 3H school trip to Hillier Gardens.
We hope you all have a restful break and enjoy the half term.
The Year 3 Team.