Year 3 Weekly Highlights 19.5.23
We have loved having the sun out this week and hope you have too!
We have had so many highlights this week. So many children have loved painting our Iron Man pictures. They had to think carefully about the shades and tints of their colour choices; trying to match it to the picture. We hope you'll agree that they have done a brilliant job!
In the story of the Iron Man, we have come across some dragons! It was a lovely surprise to read about them again and we have been using our skills of retrieving information from the text about them.
In Writing, we were showing off our writing skills by writing a recount about Isatou and how she started her recycling group and what motivated her. She turned plastic waste into items for woman to sell and used this money to send children (especially girls) to school. Feel free to watch this video about Isatou.
The children have been incredible in their learning of time and have dealt really well with working with different children across the year groups and, on some occasions, different teachers too. Please do keep practising this vital skill.
The children continued to practise their balancing skills and cricket skills in PE and Games this week. They had to work in partners to see who could balance the longest and leap the furthest!
Wishing you wonderful weekend. Next Thursday is our community day - it would be lovely to see you. Please feel free to come dressed in the colours of the Indian Flag (Green white and Orange) or in cultural dress and don't forget some picnic food.
The children are learning a dance to perform and the link is here in case they want to practise it!