Year 4 Weekly Highlights 12.5.23
We hope you all had a wonderful bank holiday weekend. We've enjoyed hearing about the various parties and other events that the children went to in order to mark the Coronation.
Despite only having four days in school, we've certainly had a busy week! In maths, we have been learning and applying how to tell the time, including am, pm and the 24 hour clock. Please do continue to support your child in practising this skill at home. We are also carrying on with revising our times table knowledge, both in class and on computers in the ICT suite. As always, we are very grateful for all of the support you give the children at home in using TTRS and filling out their tables homework sheets.
In reading, we have been continuing to read Whale Boy, alongside some non-fiction texts about whales. The main focus for this week has been skimming and scanning to answer comprehension questions.
In English we have been using our text Marcy and the Riddle of the Sphinx as inspiration for practising various grammar skills, in preparation for an extended piece of story writing. The children have impressed us with their grasp of fronted adverbials and we're looking forward to seeing them use these to add detail to their stories next week.
Teeth have been the focus of our science lessons this week. We have been investigating how different drinks affect our teeth (water, milk, cola and orange juice). You will be pleased to know that we opted to use marble chips rather than actual teeth in our experiments!
Have a wonderful weekend,
The Year Four Team