Year 4 Weekly Highlights 31.3.23
Year 4 have been completely brilliant this week and we all thoroughly enjoyed watching them perform Beowulf on Tuesday! I think we can all agree that the children did a fantastic job of performing and the teamwork and solidarity they all displayed was a joy to watch in the run-up. It was a pleasure to see how engaged they were with the story - which links to our Anglo-Saxon topic - and the playscripts they wrote to contribute to the actual performance were of a very high standard. We have been carrying on this History unit, learning about Anglo-Saxon settlements and burial practices. We have used atlases and Google Earth to explore local Anglo-Saxon towns and the meanings of their names.
With Easter coming up, Year 4 have been really focused on their RE this week, too. We have been exploring the topic of sacrifice and looking at what that means for our own lives, what it means to Christians at Easter-time and the links between sacrifice and love. Sadly, a Met Office warning meant we had to postpone our church visit but they came to us instead and were brilliant at answering the children's many pertinent questions.
In maths, we have carried on learning about fractions, now we are introducing the idea of mixed numbers, comparing them and placing them in order on a numberline.
Have a brilliant Easter break! Stay safe and have fun! See you in the new term!
The Year 4 Team :-)