Year 3 Weekly Highlights 6.1.23
Happy new year!
It has been wonderful to have the children back in school this week and they have settled back so well. We started off the new year by thinking about how we can be ambitious. We looked at the story 'Salt in his shoes' a story written by the mother and sister of Michael Jordan. Take a look at his motivation speech which we shared with the children too. The children then created their own slogan and posters to keep us motivated this year.
We were lucky enough to have a visit from a Pantomime today. The children loved watching Jack in the Beanstalk and behaved beautifully.
We have hit the ground running with our learning this week. In maths, we have continued our work on multiplication and division - looking at our 2, 4 and 8 times tables. Times tables are the building blocks of maths and it is so important that the children are able to recall these. Please do use timetable rock stars at home to help with this. If you need their log in then please let the class teacher know, and we can provide this. We have one more week on this too before moving on to length and perimeter.
In English, we have been working on our 'Tell me a dragon' poems. The children have worked hard to create their own dragon and then write about where it lives, what season it comes from and how it behaves. Well done year 3.
We have started some new learning this week as well. We have started our music lessons about French songs. Today we sang and learned how to play Frere Jacques. The children were brilliant. We have also had a go and seeing the different levels of soil by putting some mud in water and waiting for them to settle. The children had to look really carefully to see how the mud separated and drew what they could see. This was fascinating. A huge thanks to Reggie for being our photographer.
Wishing you a wonderful (restful) weekend.