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Permission to leave at the end of the school day

Your consent is required for any situation where you wish your child to leave the supervision of their class teacher/designated member of staff at the end of the school day.  This includes pupils leaving their designated collection point to walk home or to meet a parent/carer at a different location such as The Hilt, Recreation Ground, Hiltingbury Infant School etc.

Please note that signing this form only provides permission to leave at the end of the school day at 3.20pm. If your child is staying at school after 3.20pm for any extra curricular sports clubs, choir, tutoring etc you will need to confirm their collection arrangement for these separately.

In order to give consent for your child to leave the designated collection point unaccompanied at the end of the school day, please read and return the below google form, in line with the school's procedures.

Consent Form - Leaving at End of Day 2024-25

Please note that this consent is a permanent arrangement for every day of the week for academic year 2024-25. Permission cannot be given for individual days. 

Permission can be withdrawn at any time by emailing the school office.